Tushar Pal

Undergraduate / Evolutionary Systems Biology



I have always been fascinated by the details of how things work. As a kid, I would break open whatever contraption I got on my hands, to look at what its components are, and how they come together to make the entire thing work. Seeing for myself how the parts give meaning to the whole has never let me down, so trying to actually understand this process became a pursuit of mine. I have retained this reductionist approach in how I view science as a subject today as well. I could never fixate on any one particular field of study, sometimes leaning towards physics and sometimes towards the science of life, and even sometimes towards something else entirely. Lucky for me, I enrolled in an interdisciplinary course that allowed me to dabble in a little bit of everything. I ended up choosing to major in biology, while minoring in physics, with a specialization in computational biology and mathematical modelling. I have previously interned at my home institute, IISER Kolkata, India (2022), and then at the Keil Lab at Institut Curie, France (2023), and am excited to join the Landry Lab at ULaval, Canada for my next internship (2024). I will be completing my integrated Masters in Science degree in 2025.

Research interests

I am interested in solving biological problems through the lens of math modelling. I have worked in the modelling of gene regulatory circuits, stochastic gene expression and reaction-diffusion equations, with my current project on studying how protein interaction networks respond to gene deletion and other types of mutations. I primarily use Python.
