Cynthia Gagné-Thivierge, MSc
Research professional / Lab manager
e-mail: cynthia.gagne-thivierge [at]
I am in the field of microbiology since 2012, when I started a bachelor degree in microbiology at Université Laval. Afterward, I did a master’s degree in the team of professor Steve Charette. I completed my studies in 2018. Eager to learn, I had the chance to develop many skill during those years, in the laboratory (bacterial virulence and phenotypic tests, biofilms, amoeba culture, microfluidic, PCR, RT-qPCR, SDS-PAGE…) and outside (teaching assistance, scientific vulgarization, redaction…).
As I was interested to stay in the research world and all its stimulating challenges, I currently work as a research assistant in the laboratory of prof. Steve Charette and the one of prof. Christian Landry. In the Landry lab, my job is to keep the lab well organized and to assist Isabelle in her work, so that everything can work smoothly.

Vincent AT, Le Breton A, Bernatchez A, Gagné-Thivierge C, Paquet VE, Thibault E, Charette SJ, Gantelet H. Draft Genome Sequences of Four Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes Strains, 23051, 23053, 23055, and 23056, Isolated from Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis). Microbiology Resource Announcements 8(33) (2019)

Gagné-Thivierge C, Barbeau J, Levesque RC, Charette SJ. A new approach to study attached biofilms and floating communities from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains of various origins reveals diverse effects of divalent ions. FEMS Microbiology Letters 365(14) (2018)

Gagné-Thivierge C, Kukavica-Ibrulj I, Filion G, Dekimpe V, Tan SGE, Vincent AT, Déziel É, Levesque RC, Charette SJ. A multi-host approach to identify a transposon mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LESB58 lacking full virulence. BMC Research Notes 11(1):198 (2018)

Vincent AT, Trudel MV, Freschi L, Nagar V, Gagné-Thivierge C, Levesque RC, Charette SJ. Increasing genomic diversity and evidence of constrained lifestyle evolution due to insertion sequences in Aeromonas salmonicida. BMC Genomics 17:44 (2016)